Junior Student 2 Student (JS2S)
Established in 2004, Student 2 Student (S2S) is a peer-to-peer student-led program that brings military and civilian students together to welcome new students, create a positive environment for all, support educational opportunities, build connections through service, and ease transitions.
Students make a positive impact on their school and community using the S2S six core values: Leadership, Academics, Service, Climate and Culture, Relationships, and 100% Acceptance.
JS2S Teams:
- Welcome every new student who enrolls in their school on that student’s first day.
- Give new students a welcome packet and tour of the school with a map showing them their classes and important locations on campus.
- Ensure new students eat lunch with someone and help them feel acclimated and comfortable.
- Check back with new students after a few days and weeks to see how they are adjusting.
- Host social events and meetings for new students and current members to learn about each other and build new connections.
- Engage in school and community service projects that exemplify the core values of the program and offer students the opportunity to connect with others.
- Educate the principal, school staff, parents, and community about the program’s mission.
- Provide a meaningful way to say goodbye once they learn a student is moving.
- Seek guidance from their sponsor if they notice a new student or current member is having difficulties or may need additional support.
JS2S Core Values (From the MCEC website):
- Leadership: Student Character Growth
- Academics: Educational Opportunities
- Service: Outreach and Advocacy
- Climate and Culture: School and Community
- Relationships: Creating Connections
- 100% Acceptance: Sense of Belonging
Homecoming Parade
Veteran's Day Assembly
Under the Stars Dance
JS2SC Sponsors
Amber Villani - amber.villani@d49.org
Amanda Woodard - amanda.woodard@d49.org