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Falcon Middle School

About Falcon Middle School

Falcon Middle School is located in Falcon Zone at 9755 Towner Avenue in Peyton, previously the location of Falcon High School. Firebird Nation is a place where everyone belongs by focusing on the individuality of each student. Falcon Middle School believes in the middle school team concept, where everyone works together to help every student be successful and realize or maximize their potential. Faculty believe in the positive behavior support intervention system and pride themselves in promoting and recognizing positive behaviors both in academics and behavior.

Mission and Vision

Mission: Falcon Middle School is committed to a community built on trust, positive relationships, and high standards to create an environment that ignites academic curiosity and innovation.

Vision: Falcon Middle School will develop empowered learners who are intrinsically motivated critical thinkers with the perseverance to solve problems.


The school includes many resources to assist students, including the Student Achievement Center, co-taught classes and tutoring. It offers an intervention/enrichment period that provides enriched learning activities. Students also create projects using a combination of computers and machine tools in the gateway to technology elective class. There are also a variety of 2-D and 3-D art classes to enhance the creative side of students.


Extracurricular activities include band, choir, drama, National Junior Honor Society, student council, yearbook, Where Everybody Belongs, Friends of Rachel and art club. Firebird Nation sports programs consist of numerous league championships. The school offers seventh and eighth grade interscholastic sports in football, volleyball, cross-country, softball, boys and girls basketball, wrestling and track. The school belongs to the Tri-County League, which consists of 18 schools. It's a regional leader in comprehensive sixth grade interscholastic sports programs, including cross-country, volleyball, softball, boys and girls basketball, and wrestling. The student council conducts food drives to benefit local food pantries, sponsors Pennies for Patients, provides activities during Red Ribbon Week and other activities to involve students.



The Parent-Teacher-Student Association enhances the partnership between parents, students, community and school. There are more than 300 members in the PTSA, which includes 100 percent of the staff. The PTSA sponsors informational presentations for parents and other opportunities to involve the community. The WatchDOGS (Dads of Great Students) is in its fourth year, providing additional male mentors in the building. The School Accountability Committee works to help prioritize the focus for the programs offered.

Falcon Zone has a strong tradition that dates back to 1900. That tradition carries on today with six highly successful schools: Falcon High, Falcon Middle, Falcon Elementary School of Technology, Woodmen Hills Elementary, Meridian Ranch Elementary, and Bennett Ranch Elementary. You can learn more about our history, traditions, and our vision for modern personalized learning here below.



Falcon Zone offers the following programs: Academy of Health Science, Academy of Finance, Academy of Information Technology, Air Force JROTC, FBLA, Distributive Education Clubs of America, Link Crew, National Honor Society, Student-to-Student program, and many others. The zone offers more than 20 advanced placement and CU Succeed Classes. Its schools performed well on CMAS and SAT.

While the Falcon Zone greatly honors tradition, we also embrace that our leaders today deserve a different learning experience from yesteryear - one that will prepare them to be successful in our ever-changing world.

Through Empower Falcon Zone (Empower FZ), we aim to empower our learners by offering three main things:  

Engaging Environments

Enhanced Opportunities

Elevated Instruction 

We want our students to have more voice and choice in their education. We desire to cater more to their interests and needs while at the same time providing them with unique, challenging, expanded, and blended learning opportunities. 

FMS School Hours

School hours are 7:50 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Portfolio of Schools

Portfolio of Schools
District 49 will create a robust portfolio of distinct and exceptional schools.  It’s not enough just to have a bunch of different kinds of schools; the district needs to have high quality, exceptional schools.  District 49 strives to offer wonderful schools in all of its zones, schools that are different from each other and superior to the options students might have in neighboring districts and communities.
District 49’s board-approved strategic plan provides unified vision, goals and strategies to prepare students to achieve like never before.  Its strategic plan is organized around a big rocks metaphor.  If the district identifies and focuses on what's most important – its big rocks to Sustain Enduring Trust, Engage Our Community, Build Firm Foundations, Offer Exceptional Choices, Launch Successful Students, and Value All People – and then adds other things around them, the medium-sized rocks, and finally works in the pebbles, everything better fits together.  District 49 has applied this metaphor in its strategic plan, which identifies the district's Big Rocks.  These strategic initiatives will be emphasized over the upcoming years, representing the district’s commitment to its community.  These five rocks are its foundation for building an excellent future with its staff, students and greater community.